At room temperature more than 24 hrs from date of collection Quantity Not Sufficient for Testing (less than 2 mL of urine) Any other sample type other than clean catch urine
Reference Range(s)
Not Detected
Specimen Requirements
Preferred Specimen
Clean catch urine, unpreserved
Minimum Volume
2 mL urine
Sample Stability
24 hours room temperature 7 days refrigerated
Transport Temperature
Collection Instructions
Specimen Collection Instructions: Specimens should be handled as infectious using safe laboratory procedures such as those outlined in CDC guidelines.
1. Instruct the patient to wash hands with soap and water
2. Provide a labeled urine cup and antiseptic towelette to the patient.
3. Instruct the patient to clean the genital area with the towelette.
4. Instruct the patient to collect urine mid-stream.
5. Instruct the patient to re-cap the urine cup without touching the inside of the cup or the lid.
6. Collect the closed urine sample cup from the patient.