Sterols, Plasma

Test Code: TD_3140
CPT Code(s): 82542


Test Details

Alternative Name(s)

Plasma sterols

Test Includes

Sterols, Plasma


Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)

Rejection Criteria

Gross hemolysis

Reference Range(s)


Specimen Requirements

Preferred Specimen

Sodium Heparin Green Top Tube

Minimum Volume

0.5 mL Plasma

Sample Stability

14 days room temperature
28 days refrigerated
92 days frozen

Transport Temperature


Collection Instructions

Centrifuge sample and separate plasma from cells within 2 hours of collection. Transfer plasma to a plastic transport tube. Clearly label tube as heparin plasma. Freeze.
Patient age and gender must be included with the order. When multiple tests are ordered, submit separate tube for this test.

Alternative Specimen

0.5 mL EDTA Lavender Top Plasma. Centrifuge sample and separate plasma from cells within 2 hours of collection. Transfer plasma to a plastic transport tube. Clearly label tube as EDTA plasma. Freeze.
Patient age and gender must be included with the order. When multiple tests are ordered, submit separate tube for this test.