QuantiFERON TB Gold Plus

Test Code: TD_7580
CPT Code(s): 86480


Test Details

Alternative Name(s)


Test Includes



Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA)

Rejection Criteria

Room temperature lithium tubes
4 mL lithium heparin tubes
Greiner lithium heparin tubes
10 mL lithium heparin tubes
Lithium heparin plasma separator tubes
Sodium heparin tubes
Any heparin tube that is not a BD 6 mL lithium heparin tube

Reference Range(s)


Specimen Requirements

Preferred Specimen

BD 6 mL lithium heparin (green top) tube.

Minimum Volume

BD 6 mL lithium heparin tube: 5 mL whole blood

Sample Stability

BD 6 mL lithium heparin tube
Unacceptable room temperature
2 days refrigerated
Unacceptable frozen

Transport Temperature

Critical refrigerated

Collection Instructions

Fill BD 6 mL lithium heparin tube and gently mix by
inverting the tube 8-10 times to dissolve the heparin.
Critical refrigerate (CRF).

Alternative Specimen

1. Collect 1 mL blood into each of the 4 separateQuantiFERON collection tubes. As 1 mL tubes drawrelatively slowly, keep the tube on the needle for 2-3seconds once the tube appears to have completed fillingto ensure that the correct volume is drawn.blood can be collected using a syringe and 1 mL bloodtransferred to each of the 4 tubes.if a “butterfly” needle is being used to collect thesample, a “purge” tube should be used to ensure that thetubing is filled with blood prior to the QuantiFERONtubes being used.
2. Mix the tube by shaking 10 times just firmly enough tocoat the entire inner surface of the tubes.
3. Samples must be maintained at room temperature andreceived in the laboratory within 16 hours ofcollection. After receipt in the laboratory, samplesare incubated at 37 degrees Celsius for one day prior tointerferon assay. STAT testing is not available.Critical Room Temperature (CRT).