Lavender top: 3 days room temperature Unacceptable refrigerated Unacceptable frozen Green top: 2 days room temperature Unacceptable refrigerated Unacceptable frozen
Transport Temperature
Critical Room Temperature (CRT)
Collection Instructions
Please contact referral testing department to schedule testing before collecting sample for this test. 4 mL EDTA whole blood collected in hemogard tube. Critical Room Temperature (CRT). Samples must be analyzed within 72 hours of collection. Note: some medications may affect immunophenotyping and should be provided on the requisition.
Alternative Specimen
Please contact referral testing department to schedule testing before collecting sample for this test. 4 mL sodium or lithium heparin green top whole blood collected in a hemogard tube. Critical Room Temperature (CRT). Samples must be analyzed within 48 hours of collection. Note: some medications may affect immunophenotyping results and should be provided on the requisition.