Lyme Disease by PCR

Test Code: TD_3715
CPT Code(s): 87476, 87798, 87478

Test Details

Alternative Name(s)


Test Includes

Borrelia Burgdorferi
Borrelia Mayonii
Borrelia Miyamotoi


Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR)

Rejection Criteria

Heparinized samples

Reference Range(s)

Not Detected

Specimen Requirements

Preferred Specimen

EDTA lavender top tube

Minimum Volume

1 mL whole blood or serum

Sample Stability

3 days room temperature
2 weeks refrigerated
1 month frozen

Transport Temperature


Collection Instructions

4 mL EDTA whole blood. Refrigerate.

Alternative Specimen

4 mL serum. Allow SST to clot in an upright position for at least 30 minutes, then centrifuge sample within 2 hours of collection. Refrigerate.