HPV High Risk with Genotype, SP

Test Code: TD_8037
CPT Code(s): 87624


Test Details

Alternative Name(s)


Test Includes

HPV High Risk with Genotype, SP


Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

Rejection Criteria

Samples other than surepath preservcyt solution

Reference Range(s)


Specimen Requirements

Preferred Specimen

Surepath preservcyt container

Minimum Volume


Sample Stability

3 weeks room temperature

Transport Temperature

Room temperature

Collection Instructions

1. Obtain an adequate sampling from the cervix using spatula/endocervical brush or cervical broom.
2. Insert the brush or broom into the endocervical canal.
3. Apply gentle pressure until the hairs form against the cervix.
4. Maintaining gentle pressure, hold the stem between the thumb and forefinger and rotate the brush/broom five (5) turns clockwise.
5. The entire head of the brush/broom is removed from the handle and placed into a Surepath collection vial. the brush/broom must remain in the vial.
6. Record the patient name and id number on the vial. The sample will be returned if it is received without proper labeling. Also record the patient name and medical history on the cytology requisition.
Submit the sample to the laboratory at room temperature.

Alternative Specimen