Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
Rejection Criteria
Room temperature samples
Refrigerated samples
Reference Range(s)
Adult: <=150 UMOL/G CREAT
Specimen Requirements
Preferred Specimen
Urine collection container
Minimum Volume
3 mL urine
Sample Stability
Unacceptable room temperature Unacceptable refrigerated 1 month frozen
Transport Temperature
Critical Frozen (cfz)
Collection Instructions
24 hour urine refrigerated during collection. Record total
volume. Transfer 10 mL from a well-mixed 24 hr collection
to a plastic aliquot tube. Freeze. Critical Frozen (CFZ).
A completed history form must accompany sample (include
patient age, gender, diet (i.e. Tpn therapy), drug therapy
and family history). When multiple tests are ordered,
submit separate sample for this test.