Culture, Strep A Screen, Throat

Test Code: TD_6047
CPT Code(s): 87081


Test Details

Alternative Name(s)

Group a strep screen culture
Strep a screen culture
Strep a throat culture

Test Includes

Culture, Strep A Screen, Throat


Standard culture techniques

Rejection Criteria

Viral transport media
Swabs collected more than 2 days prior to submission
Dry swabs
Non-sterile or leaking containers
Expired transport media
Frozen specimens
Specimens in fixative (formalin)
Swabs not submitted in transport media
Specimens submitted in tissue paper

Reference Range(s)

No Beta Hemolytis Streptococcus Isolated

Specimen Requirements

Preferred Specimen


Minimum Volume

Single swab

Sample Stability

48 hours room temperature
48 hours refrigerated
Unacceptable frozen

Transport Temperature

Room temperature

Collection Instructions

Eswab inoculated from throat. Room temperature.
Depress tongue with tongue depressor. Extend sterile swab between the tonsillar pillars and behind the uvula. Sweep the swab back and forth across the posterior pharynx, tonsillar area and any inflamed or ulcerated area. Avoid touching the cheek, tongue or lips.

Alternative Specimen

Bacterial culture transport swab collected in amies liquid, amies gel, or bacterial culture equivalents. Room temperature.