Cryoglobulins, Qualitative

Test Code: TD_3595
CPT Code(s): 82595


Test Details

Alternative Name(s)


Test Includes

Cryoglobulins, Qual


Physical characteristics of precipitation or floculation. Positive results are reported as soon as recognized. Negative reports will be issued at 2 days and 7 days. Negative reports for manually read samples will be issued at 7 days.

Rejection Criteria

Moderate or greater hemolysis
frozen samples
serum that has not been separated from cells
samples collected in serum separator tube
samples with bacterial contamination

Reference Range(s)


Specimen Requirements

Preferred Specimen

Plain Red Top Tube

Minimum Volume

2 mL serum

Sample Stability

1 week room temperature
Acceptable refrigerated
Unacceptable frozen

Transport Temperature

Room temperature

Collection Instructions

2 mL serum collected in a pre-warmed plain red top tube. Maintain tube at 37C until sample is clotted. Centrifuge sample and immediately transfer serum to a plastic transport tube. Clearly label tube as serum from a plain red top tube. Room temperature.

Alternative Specimen