Citric Acid, Urine, Conc.
Citric Acid, Urine, 24 Hr
Citric Acid/Creat Ratio
Creatinine, Urine, Conc.
Creatinine, Urine, 24 Hr
Hours Of Collection
Total Urine Volume
Rejection Criteria
Reference Range(s)
Adult: 320-1240 mg/day
Specimen Requirements
Preferred Specimen
Urine collection container
Minimum Volume
2 mL urine
Sample Stability
8 hours room temperature 2 weeks refrigerated 1 Month frozen
Transport Temperature
Collection Instructions
24 hour urine refrigerated during collection. Record total
volume. Transfer 10 mL from a well-mixed 24 hr collection
to a plastic aliquot tube. Refrigerate. When multiple
tests are ordered, submit separate sample for this test.
Alternative Specimen
10 mL random urine in a urine collection container.
refrigerate. When multiple tests are ordered, submit
separate tube for this test