1 mL serum from a plain red top tube. Allow sample to clot in an upright position for at least 60 minutes, then centrifuge sample and transfer serum to a plastic transport tube within 2 hours of collection. Freeze.
Note: it is recommended to collect AM sample between 8-10 AM or PM sample between 4-6 PM. Clearly label tube with collection time. Clearly label tube as serum from a plain red top tube. When multiple tests are ordered, submit separate tube for this test.
1 mL EDTA (lavender top) plasma. Centrifuge sample and separate plasma from cells within 2 hours of collection. transfer plasma to a plastic transport tube. Freeze.
Note: it is recommended to collect AM sample between 8-10 AM or PM sample between 4-6 PM. Clearly label tube with collection time. Clearly label tube as serum from a plain red top tube.
When multiple tests are ordered, submit separate tube for this test.